Where To Stay In The Area

Where to stay links

The Fareham and District Society of Model Engineers (FDSME) cannot recommend where you could stay. If you book early there is a good choice at reasonable rates.

Links to Camping sites

Drove Lea Farm is a commercial campsite adjacent to our property which can be pre booked directly with them. FDSME have no connection with this site. There is footpath access to and from the campsite and our property

Drove Lea Farm Camping and Caravanning – this is next to the FDSME site
Also Drove Lea Farm Shepard’s Hut

Links to Bed and Breakfast accommodation

From Tripadvisor (www.tripadvisor.co.uk)

List of Bed and Breaksfast in Titchfield, Hampshire

Links to Hotels

From Travel Republic (www.travelrepublic.co.uk)

List of hotels in Titchfield, Hampshire
If you have travelled far, there are plenty of places to stay close to the FDSME site.
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