Visiting FDSME as a Guest for an Event
Fareham and District Society of Model Engineers (FDSME) is based in Hampshire, England.
Please note, almost all our events are not open to the general public. Booking by locomotive and/or boat owners is generally required for attendance.
FDSME supports the local community by holding closed events for other model engineering societies, charities, schools and other volunteer organisations. We are pleased to be able to host these. However due to planning requirements, these events have to be closed to the general public.
Most years we only have one open event at which the general public can attend. This is the Steam Railway Weekend at the end of July.
This part of the website is dedicated to closed events. Use the guest menu above or below to discover our tracks, places to stay and how to find us.
For more general information about our Society and events open to the general public (such as our July Steam Railway Weekend) please go to our main FDSME website by clicking on the button below or using the Home menu at the top and bottom of the page.